Lincoln Square
London WC2, United Kingdom.
Client: Lodha Developers UK Ltd
Main Contractor: Multiplex
Architect: PLP Architecture
Photography: Lodha Developers UK Ltd & Nico Wills
Bowler James Brindley Scope: All Residences. 221 residences arranged over 9 levels

Lincoln Square is a development of 221 residences in Lincoln’s Inn Fields district of London and falling within the Strand Conversation Area.
The building designed by PLP Architecture is neighbours with grand institutions such as the Royal Courts of Justice, the Royal College of Surgeons, the London School of Economics and of course the Inns of Court. PLP took inspiration from this compelling historical context and the design of this grand stone building is reminiscent of neighbouring townhouses and each facade responds in scale and texture to its historical neighbour.
BJB were inspired by the approach by the architect. We designed an understated, elegant scheme to provide a luxurious backdrop to a resident likely to have led a rich life. We studied the Library in Lincoln’s Inn, the Soane Museum and local well-established local craft industries.
The result is a grounded, strong and safe collection of residences with the ability to accommodate significant art or book collections but at the same time produce an atmosphere if the client has a minimal lifestyle. There are English stone floors, re-invented period details and eucalyptus veneered kitchens.